Cloudify Bolsters Cloud-native Security and Networking with Calico on AWS

Calico enabled Cloudify to tap into the agility and scalability of container infrastructure while enhancing the security of its Kubernetes workloads. With Calico, every single time a security policy was changed, it took effect immediately.

Cloudify, a leading multi-cloud orchestration platform, urgently needed a solution for enhancing security and implementing individualized security policies for every container cluster as it migrated from virtual machines (VMs) to a serverless infrastructure.

Leveraging Calico, Tigera’s security platform for containers and Kubernetes, paired with Elastic Kubernetes Services (EKS) on Amazon Web Services (AWS), Cloudify was able to scale to sixty customer deployments per month while enhancing Kubernetes networking and security, optimizing developer time and resources, and maintaining a simple user experience for its DevOps team and customers.

Read the case study to learn more.