Calico Networking for Tectonic

Calico Networking for Tectonic

We’re excited to announce that with the recent release of Kubernetes v1.1, Calico fully supports integration with CoreOS Tectonic clusters. CoreOS Tectonic brings Google-style hyperscale container infrastructure to your fingertips. Adding Calico brings simple, scalable, secure networking to Tectonic Kubernetes.

Why Calico for Tectonic?

Tectonic and Calico are a great team when it comes to running containers. Tectonic provides a secure, high-scale container infrastructure platform using Kubernetes. Calico adds secure, high-scale, high-performance container networking to Kubernetes. We’ve already demonstrated how easy it is to use Calico network policy in Kubernetes on our blog – take a look!

If you’re at Tectonic Summit in NYC today, make sure to sit in on Thursday afternoon’s talk “Simple, Scalable, Secure networking for Kubernetes”, presented by our very own Spike Curtis. Spike will be covering network security for container-based applications, and how Calico and Tectonic allow you to build scalable applications with network security as a first-class citizen.

Getting Started with Calico for Tectonic

Calico networking can be installed on any Tectonic cluster which uses Kubernetes v1.1 or later. Installation is simple, and can be done on your existing Tectonic Kubernetes cluster.

If you’re getting started with Tectonic, you can request a free trial from CoreOS, and follow one of the supported getting started guides. Project Calico replaces the default networking option called flannel.

Once you have a Tectonic cluster, installing Calico is easy. Take a look at our guide for installing Calico on an existing Kubernetes cluster.

Let’s Talk

If you’re using Calico with Tectonic Kubernetes, or are interested in doing so, please let us know! We’d love to talk. Come visit us in our #kubernetes slack channel (you can get an invite to the channel here) and make sure to send some tweets our way @projectcalico on Twitter.

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