Calico enables HanseMerkur to reduce infrastructure overhead and achieve organizational compliance

Calico helped us enforce microsegmentation and gave us the security and observability capabilities we needed in order to go bare metal and consolidate 16 clusters into 4—all while remaining compliant with regulatory requirements.

HanseMerkur is one of the oldest private health insurance companies in Germany. The company ran multi-tenant clusters on premises with Kubespray, with a legacy platform based on Kubernetes 1.11 (released in 2018).

This setup resulted in several operational problems, including high overhead and over-consumption of hardware. Because of this, HanseMerkur’s platform team wanted to go bare metal and consolidate HanseMerkur’s entire infrastructure into one place.

The consolidation project required HanseMerkur to solve three major challenges with their Kubernetes operations.

  1. Maintenance overhead and lack of workload isolation for compliance
  2. Long approval cycles for platform and security teams
  3. Lack of visibility for dev teams

Read the case study to find out how Calico helped HanseMerkur achieve organizational compliance and reduce infrastructure overhead by merging 16 clusters into 4.