Tigera Events

Amazon EKS Security Bootcamp: Implementing Kubernetes network security for EKS clusters and workload


Security EKS
May 2, 2024
10:00 am PST

Happening this week

  •  Jennifer Luther Thomas

Explore Tigera Events






As you design, deploy and observe security and networking policies in an EKS environment, you will likely have questions. This 60-minute interactive session is designed to address your questions in real-time and provide you with the information you need to implement Kubernetes security and observability correctly in your EKS environment.

In this Live Demo & Office Hours, you will gain an understanding of how others in your industry are doing Kubernetes security and observability in AWS EKS and will come away with best practices you can implement in your own organization.

Talk to a Calico expert to design and implement Kubernetes observability and monitoring. This interactive session is exclusively designed to provide you with more complete knowledge to:

– Understand and analyze Kubernetes deployments with run-time visualization of flow and policies
– Do quick troubleshooting with DNS dashboards
– Analyze traffic on a pod or collection of pods live
– Observe and take action based on application-layer (L7) service to service issues

In this office hours, you will get an understanding of how others in your industry are doing Kubernetes security and observability in AWS EKS, and with best practices that you can implement in your own organization.

Talk to a Calico expert to design and implement Kubernetes observability and monitoring. This interactive session is exclusively designed to provide you with more complete knowledge to:

– Understand and analyze Kubernetes deployments with run-time visualization of flow and policies
– Do quick troubleshooting with DNS dashboards
– Analyze traffic on a pod or collection of pods live
– Observe and take action based on application-layer (L7) service to service communication

In this office hours, you will get an understanding of how others in your industry are doing Kubernetes security and observability in AWS EKS, and with best practices that you can implement in your own organization.

By default, Kubernetes is an open system with no built-in security controls. Without east-west controls like microsegmentation, a cyberattacker, having gained unauthorized access, can move laterally within a cluster in search of sensitive data and other high-value assets. Kubernetes environments are dynamic and distributed. Segmenting using traditional methods doesn’t work, and requires a modern, dynamic approach to segmentation that integrates Kubernetes-native segmentation rules in the CI/CD pipeline.

In this Live Demo & Office Hours, we will demonstrate:

  • How Calico’s security policy-as-code approach can dynamically enforce security policy changes across cloud-scale environments in milliseconds in response to an attack
  • How Calico provides a single, unified policy framework for host, VM, container, Kubernetes and application-level isolation
  • How Calico policy tiers visually define the order in which security policies are evaluated, and simplify policy creation
  • How you can use Calico to automate validation steps that ensure your security policy works properly before being committed

Next-generation firewalls provide advanced security features such as live threat feeds, intrusion detection, and tools used by the security operations center to identify and resolve security incidents. Firewall rules are based on IP addresses to allow or deny traffic using a zone-based architecture. However, this model begins to break down in the dynamic environment of Kubernetes, where IP addresses are transient, and the static IP approach used in firewalls cannot be applied.

In this Office Hours, you will learn:

  • How you can leverage your existing investment in firewalls and extend their familiar zone-based security architecture into the Kubernetes environment
  • How Calico can provide universal firewall integration through the Calico Egress Gateway
  • How you can use Calico to integrate with popular firewall managers like Fortinet FortiGuard and Palo Alto Networks Panorama 

As you design, deploy, and observe security and networking policies in an EKS environment, you have questions to do it right. This interactive live 60-minute session is designed to provide you with right information and address your questions real time to implement Kubernetes security and observability correctly in your EKS environment.

In this office hours, you will get an understanding of how others in your industry are doing Kubernetes security and observability in AWS EKS, and with best practices that you can implement in your own organization.

When a new microservice is added to a secure cluster, it must be deployed along with a security policy to enable the service to communicate with other services and APIs. Typically, a central control reviews or creates policies for every microservice deployment to avoid existing policies from being overwritten. This process doesn’t scale, and hampers development teams. Calico empowers Dev teams and SREs to make security policy changes on a self-service basis, by representing policies as code that is deployed alongside your applications and workloads. This dramatically improves the pace of app deployment into protected clusters.

In this session, you will learn:
– How Calico’s security policy-as-code approach fully automates the end-to-end app deployment process, including configuring any necessary security changes
– How Calico policy tiers are used to visually define the order in which security policies are evaluated
– How you can use Calico to automate validation steps that ensure your security policy works properly before being committed

As you design, deploy, and observe security and networking policies in an EKS environment, you will likely have questions. This 60-minute interactive session is designed to address your questions in real time and provide you with the information you need to implement Kubernetes security and observability correctly in your EKS environment.

In this Live Demo & Office Hours, you will gain an understanding of how others in your industry are doing Kubernetes security and observability in AWS EKS, and will come away with best practices you can implement in your own organization.

As you design, deploy, and observe security and networking policies in an EKS environment, you will likely have questions. This 60-minute interactive session is designed to address your questions in real time and provide you with the information you need to implement Kubernetes security and observability correctly in your EKS environment.

In this Live Demo & Office Hours, you will gain an understanding of how others in your industry are doing Kubernetes security and observability in AWS EKS, and will come away with best practices you can implement in your own organization.

Next-generation firewalls provide advanced security features such as live threat feeds, intrusion detection, and tools used by the security operations center to identify and resolve security incidents. Firewall rules are based on IP addresses to allow or deny traffic using a zone-based architecture. However, this model begins to break down in the dynamic environment of Kubernetes, where IP addresses are transient, and the static IP approach used in firewalls cannot be applied.

In this Office Hours, you will learn:
– How you can leverage your existing investment in firewalls and extend their familiar zone-based security architecture into the Kubernetes environment
– How Calico can provide universal firewall integration through the Calico Egress Gateway
– How you can use Calico to integrate with popular firewall managers like Fortinet FortiGuard and Palo Alto Networks Panorama